Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Benton in a Pea Pod

Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?  This is Benton, the newest addition to my dear friend Kate's family.  I can't wait to meet him!  Here he is in a "baby pea pod" that I knit for his mom's shower...he's the perfect model!  So snuggly! 

There are many versions of the baby pea pod by many different designers - if you do a quick search on google or ravelry, you can find one you like best.  The pattern I used is by Paige Marecle - I found it on Ravelry but you can also purchase on Etsy by clicking here.  It's a piece of cake, with some simple decreases to create the pod shape.  I used a neat yarn called Blizzard by Reynolds.  It's a soft alpaca blend that can be hand washed without too much trouble.  Try it, you'll like it!

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